
Rachel Kornak: “How to get a job in GIS: Tips for Students”

Rachel Kornak: “How to get a job in GIS: Tips for Students”

Feb 19

“How to get a job in GIS: Tips for Students” a talk given by Rachel Kornak on February 16th, 2018.

“Want an amazing GIS job after you graduate? Learn what you can do now to stand out from the crowd. We’ll cover how to narrow down what kind of job you want, how to create a GIS portfolio and how to get involved in the geo community.” With this appealing message Rachel Kornak (https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelkornak ), a Certified GIS Professional (GISP) with over 10 years of experience in Geographic Information Science, introduced our Master and GEO-C students into GIS professional world. This academic career development session was specially designed to show students innovative ways of being introduced into geo-business.

Kornak has teaching experience in all the world and she is also very active in the geospatial community, maintaining two professional development websites for students and newcomers to the geospatial industry: http://zesty.world/ and www.geopivot.org
