Application Submission
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- Application Submission
Please note that the procedure consists of TWO PROCEDURES IN PARALLEL: online application AND sending paper versions. Note also that there are DIFFERENT DEADLINES for applications: please check all the information about dates and deadlines here >
Please also make sure that you are applying in the correct category – Programme country (EU) student or Partner country (non-EU) students. Please look up here the definitions!
Apart from the online application, please send your application documents (paper version, including the signed application form) only to that university where you are intending to start the Masters program:
- Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Nova – Information Management School
Academic Services
Campus de Campolide
1070-312 Lisboa
- Universitat Jaume I
Institute of New Imaging Technologies, Espaitec 2, 5ª planta
Prof. Dr. Joaquín Huerta
Avenida Vicent Sos Baynat s/n
ES12006 Castellón
The application requires personal information as well as supporting documents. For a complete list, see the formal requirements and the online application system. All collected data is subject to Personal Data Protection and Privacy rules – please read more on our dedicated page.
All official documents must be included as certified copies, where requested in the formal requirements.
Certification of copies can be performed by the following institutions and persons in Germany, Portugal, or Spain:
- County or City Council;
- Police Department;
- Court Clerk’s Office;
- Notary Publics,
- Parish Offices and Health Insurance Companies
- Other institutions, if they have an official seal with a state or provincial coat of arms.
The following institutions are allowed to certify copies in other countries:
- German, or Portuguese, or Spanish Embassies and Consulates
- Institutions and persons allowed to certify copies in that particular country.
The copies have been properly certified if the stamp of certification includes an official seal and has been signed by the office-holder or functionary. Loose papers must be certified individually. Attention: Copies of certified copies cannot be accepted!
Please note that we will not be able to send back documents to the applicants after the end of the evaluation procedure!
Applications according to the formal requirements have to be submitted in parallel, online via the application system and paper-based on the same deadline date.
The deadline time for submitting electronic applications is the 18:00 CET (Central European Time = GMT +1) of the deadline date (see the actual deadlines here).
Paper-versions have to be sent by registered mail, post-stamped until the deadline and to be received within one week after the respective deadline at latest!
An early application is recommended especially for applicants from non-European countries due to visa processes.
For sending TOEFL test results through ETS, please use the following TOEFL code number:
- Universitat Jaume I: 2375
- Instituto Superior De Estatistica e Gestão de Informação-UNL: 6601
VERY IMPORTANT: Experience shows that many of the online applications are received within the last 36 hours before the deadline time. This leads to an extreme overload of the computer servers and Internet access to them, with the possibility of failures. All applicants are advised to submit their application as soon as possible and to avoid the final hours before the deadline.
We will do our very best to prevent failures of the system but it will not accept any kind of responsibility whatsoever with respect to those that were unable to submit their application before the deadline time.
If a candidate is selected (proposed for a scholarship, put on the reserve list, or enrolled on a self paying basis) his/her data may be used for the purposes of evaluating the Erasmus Mundus Program and will be made available to the Agency, the EM National Structures, the EU Delegations and the Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association, acting as stakeholders of the program.
Please click here to proceed to the application system.