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Two student papers at AGILE 2019

Four students of the Erasmus Mundus Master “Geospatial Technologies” presented two papers at AGILE 2019, the 22nd conference on Geo-information Science in Limassol, Cyprus (https://agile-online.org/conference-2019). The papers were developed during the first semester in Lisbon in the course GIS Applications.   Carlos Delgado and Moritz Hildemann presented the topic of 3D-routing for urban air taxis. […]

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The Erasmus Mundus Master celebrates its 6th Edition

The 6th Edition of the “Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies” will begin next week on September 10th. The students in this year’s edition come from many different countries such as Russia, Ecuador, Australia, México, Serbia, and Spain (among others) which enhances its international character. This Master’s Program has been recognized by the […]

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Facebook status at 2012-07-25 – geotec-uji

( From Facebook )Healthy Cities Seminar ConclusionA seminar on Healthy Cities was organized in February by the Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi) at the University of Münster …

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