

9th of March 2018: Graduation Ceremony

Last Friday, 9th of March 2018, the graduation ceremony of our Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies <https://tru4c.uji.es> took place in Hotel Luz, Castellón. This year’s celebration was particularly festive, as we were celebrating the 10th year anniversary of our master, which is jointly organised between UJI (GEOTEC), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and Universidade Nova de […]

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2018 Master Thesis defenses at Castellón (Spain)

Last week Master students who did their third semester at UJI defended their thesis in Castellón. Ditsuhi Iskandaryan: Visualization and visual analytics of geospatial data for psychological treatment Raquel Martín-Pozuelo Ojalbo: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Sex-based crimes in Chicago Mahesh Thapa: Transforming texts to maps: Geovisualizing topics in texts Bikesh Twanabasu: Sentiment Analysis in GeoSocial Streams […]

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Valérie Renaudin: “Integrating human specificities in the development of pedestrian navigation algorithms”

On February 21, we enjoyed the visit of Dr. Valérie Renaudin, from the French Research Institute on Transport (IFSTTAR), in Nantes, France. She leads the Geopositioning Laboratory (GEOLOC) and chairs the next IPIN 2018 conference. Dr. Renaudin gave a lecture titled “Integrating human specificities in the development of pedestrian navigation algorithms”. In the talk, Dr. […]

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Rachel Kornak: “How to get a job in GIS: Tips for Students”

“How to get a job in GIS: Tips for Students” a talk given by Rachel Kornak on February 16th, 2018. “Want an amazing GIS job after you graduate? Learn what you can do now to stand out from the crowd. We’ll cover how to narrow down what kind of job you want, how to create […]

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Career development session for Erasmus Mundus master:  Suez Spain

Recently (January 8th), GEOTEC hosted an industrial talk targeting our Erasmus Mundus master students and all GIS enthusiasts, given by representatives of Suez Water Spain. Suez is a multi-national company active in 5 continents, with over 80 000 employees and 400 000 clients, who mainly – but not exclusively – perform projects related to water treatment and […]

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