
GeoMundus Conference 10th Edition

GeoMundus Conference 10th Edition

Dec 17

The students of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies hosted once again their annual symposium: GeoMundus Conference. It was held on December 7 and 8, 2018 at NOVA IMS – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.

GeoMundus is a free conference held by students for students. Since its inception, this conference has enabled the sharing of cutting-edge scientific research, knowledge, skills, and facilitated networking within the field of geospatial technologies.

This year was the 10th Edition thus students prepared a special documentary. Moreover this edition has had the largest number of participants: 171.

The organisers of GeoMundus secured 5 high-profile keynote speakers: Michael Goodchild (USA), Francisco Pinto (Mexico), Miguel de Castro Neto (Porugal), Bruno Martins (Portugal) and Monica Wachowicz (Canada), who shared their expertise with the attendees. Moreover, the conference counted on the presentation of 10 articles, divided in 5 sessions, about several relevant topics in geospatial research

The programme of GeoMundus was unique in that it expanded the structure of conference talks by also featuring workshops where participants could experience first-hand the future of geospatial technologies.

Additionally, there was a career session providing a great opportunity for students interested professionally in geospatial technologies.

The programme can be found here: http://geomundus.org/2018/#four

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