
Category Archives: Sin categoría

On February 19th, 1st-year students, at NOVA IMS, visit EPAL (Lisbon Water Company) GIS infrastructure

Last week our 1st-year master students at Nova IMS visited EPAL company. Epal is the company that handles water management in Lisbon. During their visit, our students were able to learn about the GIS infrastructure and techniques that EPAL uses to carry out the water management tasks in a big city like Lisbon.          […]

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NOVA IMS’ students finalists of the Copernicus Accelerator

Students of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies at NOVAIMS, Ian Lin, Efthychia Koukouraki and Chukwuemeka Igwe were among the 50 finalists of the Copernicus Accelerator program. Their start-up idea Timber Eye, operating in Swaziland, aims to reforest by protecting species, using remote sensing technology through Earth observation: “The right trees at the right time- […]

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Participation at FOSS4G, Bucharest (Romania), August 2019

Five students of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Geospatial Technologies got to participate in the 2019 Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference in Bucharest, Romania. Muhammad Hasan Mustafa, Tanmoy Chakraborty, and Jordan Bates gave a talk on a plugin, “Three-D Change Detection: A QGIS Plugin with Python 3”, they developed for QGIS, […]

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Career development workshop, Münster, July 23, 2019

The associated partners in Münster, 52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH, http://www.52north.org, and con terra GmbH, http://www.conterra.de, conducted a career development workshop at the con terra GmbH on July 23, 2019, where currently all students of the second semester are located. Alexander Strotmann Dahmen (con terra) and Simon Jirka (52°North) provided an overview on the […]

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Two student papers at AGILE 2019

Four students of the Erasmus Mundus Master “Geospatial Technologies” presented two papers at AGILE 2019, the 22nd conference on Geo-information Science in Limassol, Cyprus (https://agile-online.org/conference-2019). The papers were developed during the first semester in Lisbon in the course GIS Applications.   Carlos Delgado and Moritz Hildemann presented the topic of 3D-routing for urban air taxis. […]

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We are proud to announce that our master has been denominated for the second consecutive year the best master in technology in Spain, according to the yearly ranking of El Mundo (2019). Congratulations!

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All of the 28 students, who had started the Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies in September 2017, successfully finished the program. Their last step was the public defense of their theses.   Graduates, family, friends, and teachers of the three universities celebrated it at the graduation ceremony in Münster on March 11. The freshly […]

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IDOM: Professional Career Development talk

Like in the past academic year, IDOM visited us for an industry talk centred around career development aspects in the GIS sector. It was a pleasure for GEOTEC to host an industry talk on Feb 8th, 2019 delivered by Raul Martínez (raul.martinez@idom.com) and Jelena Stosic (jstosic@idom.com). Our Erasmus Mundus Master students were the main audience. The talk was entitled “Our experience in the […]

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2018 Geomundus Conference Video

This video summarizes the 2018 Geomundus Conference full of learning, experiences and good times, all an example of teamwork and companionship in a multicultural context. Congratulations for this 10th Edition!  

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GeoMundus Conference 10th Edition

The students of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies hosted once again their annual symposium: GeoMundus Conference. It was held on December 7 and 8, 2018 at NOVA IMS – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. GeoMundus is a free conference held by students for students. Since its inception, this conference has enabled […]

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