
Author Archives: geoadmin

Results of the call for attending Geomundus Conference 2017

The resolution with UJI Master students awarded with a grant to attend Geomundus 2017 in Münster has been published at: http://ujiapps.uji.es/ade/rest/storage/QFCI69VNQRJPOTS3YUOMUSOD5RQRSJ1I (just in Valencià)

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Lecture given by Prof. Pavel Svec

Last week Prof. Pavel Svec (http://gis.vsb.cz/en/people/svec-eng) – from the Institute of Geoinformatics VŠB – TU Ostrava, Czech Republic – visited UJI. Pavel, PhD in Environmental Geography, has been assistant professor at Technical University of Ostrava since 2009. Prof. Svec gave two lectures addressed to Master students related to his current research titled: “Modern trends in […]

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On March 3rd 2017, the thesis defences of Geotec Master students doing their third semester in Castellón, will defend their master thesis. We wish all students the best of luck!!

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On March 1st 2017, the thesis defences of Geotec Master students doing their third semester in Lisbon, will defend their master thesis. We wish all students the best of luck!!

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On Thursday 2nd of March 2017, students of the Erasmus Mundus in Geospatial Technologies have the opportunity to attend a talk by Prof. Christoph Schlieder (university of Bamberg), organised by GEOTEC. Prof. Schlieder is an expert of geogame mechanics and technology. Prof. Schlieder’s research talk will be titled “Geogames: Design issues and research findings”. His […]

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Feb 10

We are very happy to invite all students and their family to the 2016 – 2017 graduation ceremony, which will be held in Lisbon this year, on Friday the 10th of March! You will all soon get an official invitation in your mailbox.

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On February 3rd 2017, the thesis defences of Geotec Master students doing their third semester in Munster, will defend their master thesis. We wish all students the best of luck!!

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Geomundus travel grants for UJI students enrolled in the Master’s Program 2014

View the attached pdf View the resolution pdf

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Erasmus Mundus Máster of Science in Geospatial Technologies Ranked  2nd out of 250 Masters in Spain

The newspaper, el Mundo has ranked the Erasmus Mundus Máster of Science in Geospatial Technologies,  2nd out of 250 Masters Programs in Spain for the Category: Computer Science and Technology. This ranking is based on 26 criterions within 6 different headings or groups: Group A: Demand, Group B: Human Resources, Group C: Curriculum, Group D: Results of the […]

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