
Scholarships for Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies 2013

Scholarships for Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies 2013

Oct 06

The International Masters Program (Master of Science, M.Sc.) in Geospatial Technologies is a cooperation of three European Universities:


  • University of Münster (WWU), Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), Münster, Germany
  • Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT), Castellón, Spain, and,
  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação (ISEGI), Lisboa, Portugal.

The Masters Program has been selected within the Erasmus Mundus Program of the European Commission (2007-0064/001 FRAME MUNB123), and re-selected for five further editions starting in 2012 (FPA-2012-0191). The following grants are open for applications (the exact numbers have still to be confirmed):

  • ~5 financial contributions to EU students (in this context nationals or residents (> 1 year) from EU Member States and EEA-EFTA countries). The financial contribution includes a support towards living costs of 500 € per month (9.000 € in total – to be confirmed), coverage of tuition fees of 1.500 € per semester (4.500 € in total), and an insurance package.
  • ~1-2 full scholarship to students from “Windows” (Last year: a. Western Balkans and Turkey, b. Tunesia and Egypt, c. “Eastern Neighbourhood Countries” (i.e. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine – this year’s Windows to be confirmed). Full scholarships include a contribution to travel, installation and all other types of costs (8.000 € in total – to be confirmed), monthly allowances of 1.000 € per month (18.000 € in total – to be confirmed), coverage of tuition fees of 3.500 € per semester (10.500 € in total), and an insurance package.
  • ~7 full scholarships to third country students (other nationals or residents than above). Full scholarships include a contribution to travel, installation and all other types of costs (8.000 € in total – to be confirmed), monthly allowances of 1.000 € per month (18.000 € in total – to be confirmed), coverage of tuition fees of 3.500 € per semester (10.500 € in total), and an insurance package.
  • ~2 scholarships for third country scholars (visiting researchers). Scholarships include a lump sum of 14.400 € (to be confirmed) for supporting all types of costs during 4 months.

Application for scholarships: January 15, 2013

Start of the Masters program: September 3, 2013
How to apply >
