
9th of March 2018: Graduation Ceremony

9th of March 2018: Graduation Ceremony

Mar 12

Last Friday, 9th of March 2018, the graduation ceremony of our Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies <https://tru4c.uji.es> took place in Hotel Luz, Castellón. This year’s celebration was particularly festive, as we were celebrating the 10th year anniversary of our master, which is jointly organised between UJI (GEOTEC), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), and is recognised for its excellence (e.g., ranked several years as 2nd best master in technologies in Spain in El Mundo’s ranking <http://www.elmundo.es/especiales/mejores-masters/tecnologias.html>, including the last ranking of 2017). We thank all graduates for their hard work, and congratulate all of them with their obtained results. We are sure that this diploma will open new doors for them, and wish them the very best with their professional career!
