
2018 Master Thesis defenses at Castellón (Spain)

2018 Master Thesis defenses at Castellón (Spain)

Mar 09

Last week Master students who did their third semester at UJI defended their thesis in Castellón.

  • Ditsuhi Iskandaryan: Visualization and visual analytics of geospatial data for psychological treatment
  • Raquel Martín-Pozuelo Ojalbo: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Sex-based crimes in Chicago
  • Mahesh Thapa: Transforming texts to maps: Geovisualizing topics in texts
  • Bikesh Twanabasu: Sentiment Analysis in GeoSocial Streams by using Machine Learning Technique
  • Anthony Twesigye: Improving public health in smart cities in the air pollution context
  • Pravesh Yagol: Improving the user knowledge and user experience by using Augmented Reality in a Smart City context



We would like to congratulate all our Master students  2016-2018 who succesfully get their Master degree in Geospatial Technologies!!!
