
Monthly Archives: March 2018

Tableau Course_Feb. 28th, 2018

Nowadays, dashboards and interactive visualizations techniques are becoming very popular. Among the different tools that we can find in the market we highlight Tableau, which is an interactive data visualization product focused on business intelligence. Thus, if you want to analyze your data geographically, it is also possible to plot data on a map in […]

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Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies in the local press

A local newspaper, El periódico Mediterráneo de Castellón, published on Monday, March 13th, an interview with our student Vanesa Pérez. You can access the interview in this link (only Spanish): https://www.uji.es/com/revista/base/2018/03/13/noticiesuji/4/. In the photo, Vanesa Pérez is with Professor Joaquín Huerta, coordinator of the Master’s program in Castellón.

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From February 21th to 22th, at Jaume I University – Castellon de la Plana (Spain) a set of courses were held by Esri Spain. Workshop’s main topics were about detecting spatial patterns, analyzing big data and applying ML with ArcGIS platform. During two days over 20 students – from the Geo-C project and Mastergeotech students […]

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9th of March 2018: Graduation Ceremony

Last Friday, 9th of March 2018, the graduation ceremony of our Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies <https://tru4c.uji.es> took place in Hotel Luz, Castellón. This year’s celebration was particularly festive, as we were celebrating the 10th year anniversary of our master, which is jointly organised between UJI (GEOTEC), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and Universidade Nova de […]

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2018 Master Thesis defenses at Castellón (Spain)

Last week Master students who did their third semester at UJI defended their thesis in Castellón. Ditsuhi Iskandaryan: Visualization and visual analytics of geospatial data for psychological treatment Raquel Martín-Pozuelo Ojalbo: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Sex-based crimes in Chicago Mahesh Thapa: Transforming texts to maps: Geovisualizing topics in texts Bikesh Twanabasu: Sentiment Analysis in GeoSocial Streams […]

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