
Yearly Archives: 2017

IDOM: Professional career development and GIS research topics

Last December 1st, GEOTEC – UJI (Castellón) hosted an industry talk addressed to our Erasmus Mundus students and GEO-C ESRs, by renowned experts from the GIS sector: Jesus de Diego and Jelena Stosic. These are some brief notes from the talk. The day opened with Jelena who, as senior consultant connecting university-company, introduced the vision […]

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New publications from Master students

We would like to congratulate our former Master students Duy X. Tran and Adelouwa Akande for the publications arised from their master’s thesis:   Duy X. Tran, Nhung T. Nguyen, Hoan V. Kieu (2017) Applying GIS and remote sensing to study the relationship between urbanization and urban heat island in Hanoi, Vietnam.  Southeast Asian Geography Association Conference […]

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You still have time to attend Geomundus 2017!!

The students of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies will once again host their annual symposium – GeoMundus under the theme ‘Mapping the Future’. GeoMundus is a free conference held by students for students. Since its inception, this conference has enabled the sharing of cutting-edge scientific research, knowledge, skills, and facilitated networking […]

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Results of the call for attending Geomundus Conference 2017

The resolution with UJI Master students awarded with a grant to attend Geomundus 2017 in Münster has been published at: http://ujiapps.uji.es/ade/rest/storage/QFCI69VNQRJPOTS3YUOMUSOD5RQRSJ1I (just in Valencià)

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Lecture given by Prof. Pavel Svec

Last week Prof. Pavel Svec (http://gis.vsb.cz/en/people/svec-eng) – from the Institute of Geoinformatics VŠB – TU Ostrava, Czech Republic – visited UJI. Pavel, PhD in Environmental Geography, has been assistant professor at Technical University of Ostrava since 2009. Prof. Svec gave two lectures addressed to Master students related to his current research titled: “Modern trends in […]

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UJI has published a Call for attending Geomundus Conference 2017

Yesterday UJI published a call for UJI Master students with a small budget for attending Geomundus Conference 2017 in Münster.   The call can be accessed through http://ujiapps.uji.es/ade/rest/storage/7FL69LDBTURAIAEFOXA8GR5HXWJAYDR6 [in Spanish] and it will be opened ’til October 4th.

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The associated partners in Münster, 52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH, http://www.52north.org, and con terra GmbG, http://www.conterra.de, conducted a career development session at the Institute for Geoinformatics on June 27, 2017, where currently all students of the second semester are located. Christian Dahmen (con terra) and Felizitas von Ruville-Jackelen and Prof. Dr. Albert Remke (52°North) […]

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GeoMundus 2017

Jul 17

GeoMundus 2017

GeoMundus 2017 is a free international symposium organised by the students from the Erasmus Mundus Master’s of Science in Geospatial Technologies. The symposium features broad aspects of geospatial technologies disciplines, including but not limited to, geographic information systems and science, environmental studies and management, urban planning and many more. The focus of this year’s GeoMundus is […]

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Our master has been denominated 2nd best master in technology in Spain, according to the yearly ranking of El Mundo. Congratulations! http://www.elmundo.es/especiales/mejores-masters/tecnologias.html

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One of our students, Ditsuhi Iskandaryan, had a paper accepted at one of the Agile 2017 workshops, and went to the Netherlands to present her work. Read her experience below: I had an opportunity to participate and present in Agile 2017 conference (Wageningen 9-12 May, The Netherlands). It is an annual conference on Geographical Information Science. […]

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